September 27, 2012
Liberty Youth Academy Week #6
Virtue of the week: PATIENCE
Article of Faith: #6
Scripture: ...and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him. ~Mosiah 3:19
Quote #1:"Patience-the ability to put our desires on hold for a time-is a rare and precious virtue...nevertheless, without patience, we cannot please God, we cannot become perfect." ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Quote #2: "We should learn to be patient with ourselves. Recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, we should strive to use good judgment in all our choices and decisions, and do our best in every task we undertake. We should not be discouraged nor in despair at any time when we are doing the best we can." ~Joseph B. Wirthlin
Quote #3 "Great difficulties may be surmounted by patience and perseverance." ~Abigail Adams
All of the students worked on memorizing these quotes, some memorized all of the quotes, the scripture and the Article Of Faith ( Ask them to see if they remember). The children are also working on memorizing the Presidents of the United States, 10 Key "Hook Dates" from the Book Of Mormon (copies went home in their homework folders) and some poems. And the boys are working on a poem titles Our Heroes. They earn prizes from the prizebox on Thurs. for doing so. We will have "pass off day" every Thurs. where they can pass off the quotes/script/AofF for that week.
RELIGION:We talked about the importance of being patience with ourselves and our challenges, and to have patience with God and His timing.When we pray, sometimes we have to patient and wait for our prayers to be answered.
LEADERSHIP: We will begin next week discussing Steven Covey's 7 principles of leadership. I'm excited to begin this unit, which will continue through the year with your children. They will be writing their own personal Mission Statement next week!
MATH: Each child learned new math concepts for their level, took timed tests and worked on their lessons. We also learned about Thales, one of the 7 Ancient Wise men, and the math concepts he used when he calculated the height of the the tallest pyramid in Egypt. We used proprotions to figure out the size of things in our classroom as well. We continued our Life Of Fred math .
LANGUAGE ARTS: We focused on complete sentences and will be learning about Nouns and Verbs next week. We played Spelling baseball, and took our Spelling tests.
LITERATURE :We continued reading the book called, Dear America: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple. Patience and her family have made it to the New World. We are now learning about the dangers and difficulties of the New World.
HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY: We finished the Constitution, memorizing the Preamble, and learning what all of those words mean. We also charted the Pilgrims journey from England, to Holland and then finally to Cape Cod. We learned that they meant to go to Jamestown, but it was impossible so they settled in Cape Cod in a deserted Native American village. We also learned about how Squanto and Massasoit helped the Pilgrims, and where the word Pilgrims ( ask your kids who first used this word and why) came from and we learned about the Mayflower Compact. We will use the Pilgrim's example to create our own Love Of Learning Class Compact next week!
SCIENCE: We went to the Wildlife Museum as a follow up to our recent Science units. What a fun and informative field trip. Thank you Sister Alexander!
CHOIR: We were very privileged to hear Lisa Hopkins Seegmiller, a Tony award winning, Grammy nominated actress and singer, perform "Somewhere," from West Side Story for us on Wednesday. It was an absolute thrilling moment for all of the children. We are so grateful for talented people who are willing to share their talents with us and inspire us to work on our talents!
ART: We finished our starfish necklaces as a follow up to student, Kennedy Fowlke's starfish presentation! What a great activity. We have glitter EVERYWHERE. You may have noticed your children are "glowing" this week, but we had a fun time making them and they turned out well. What a great idea Kennedy!
FUN-Damentals (Sister Hepworth's Class)
We learned about the prophet Noah and his faithfulness in a wicked world.
MATH: We learned to add tallies and use whole/part circles.
LITERATURE: We learned a poem about Autumn Leaves. Please send an beautiful leaves you find to share with the class. We also continued to read Winnie The Pooh books, and readThe Ugly Duckling.
GEOGRAPHY: We colored the seven continents.
We went on a field trip had fun at the park and celebrated Kylie's birthday. After that, we visited the Temple Visitor Center and watched a movie-FUN DAY!
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A leadership education teaches students how to think and prepares them to be leaders in their homes and communities, entrepreneurs in business, and Statesmen in government.
Liberty Youth Academy uses a model of personalized study of Classics, where we read, write and discuss. Our Mentors only accept quality work. By doing this, we set the example of good character and duty.
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