September 25, 2012
Liberty Youth Academy Week #5
Virtue of the week: OBEDIENCE
Article of Faith: #5
Scripture: Wherefore my bretheren, I would that ye should consider that the things which have been written upon the plates of brass are true; and they testify that a man must be obedient to the commandments of God.
1 Nephi 22:30
Quote #1:"When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes your quest, in that moment, God will endow you with power." ~Ezra Taft Benson
Quote #2: I too believe that God will always make a way, when there is no way. I believe that if we will walk in obedience to the commandments of God, if we will follow the counsel of the Priesthood, He will open a way even where there appears to be no way." ~ Gordon B. Hinckley
All of the students worked on memorizing these quotes, some memorized all of the quotes, the scripture and the Article Of Faith ( Ask them to see if they remember). The children are also working on memorizing the Presidents of the United States, 10 Key "Hook Dates" from the Book Of Mormon (copies went home in their homework folders) and some poems. And the boys are working on a poem titled Our Heroes. They earn prizes from the prizebox on Thurs. for doing so. We will have "pass off day" every Thurs. where they can pass off the quotes/script/AofF for that week.
RELIGION: We talked about the importance of making the decision, right now in their young lives, to be obedient to God, and their parents. We discussed, compared and contrasted people in the Book Of Mormon like the Brother Of Jared, and Lehi's family who were obedient, and the consequences of their obedience, compared to those who didn't obey.We also finished our Tree of Life Murals. The kids did a great job on them!
MATH: Each child learned new math concepts for their level, took timed tests and worked on their lessons.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Stories are done and were shared. THEY WERE ALL WONDERFUL AND WORTH THE WAIT!!!!! I am so proud of each of the children! We also began some Latin root words, and learned about writing a paragraph.
LITERATURE : We continued reading the book called, Dear America: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple. The children are learning why the Pilgrims came to this land, and that it was a tremendous sacrifice for them and that there were not pleasant conditions on the Mayflower. We measured out the size of the storage hold where they stayed and tried to imagine 100+ people, sea sick, no privacy, and all crammed together. We also shared the stories that they wrote with the class.
HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY: We talked about the Constitution, what it is, who is responsible for writing it, and the process that it took for it to come to be. We saw that the Lord's hand was definitely involved! We also learned the preamble in sign language. We reviewed the life of Christopher Columbus and took our tests on him. THE KIDS ALL GOT AN A OR A+ (P/H-Pass with Honors!) That's never happened before! Next week we will learn more about the Constitution and begin a unit on the Pilgrims
SCIENCE: We discussed MAMMALS! Homework packets went home as reinforcement! Next Thurs. we will be going on a field trip as a follow up to what we learned this week. We will be visiting the Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum from 12:15-2:30. This is for the Love Of Learning Class only. Cost is $2.00. Please send to school with your signed field trip permission slip next week BEFORE Thursday!
CHOIR: We worked on directing 3/4 time and the learned the Preamble in sign language/song, and continued working on the songs that we've been working on for Christmas and Thanksgiving.
FUN-Damentals (Sister Hepworth's Class)
Thank you to everyone who has come in to observe Riggs Reading & Writing. You are always welcome (10:00).
RELIGION: We learned about Enoch, the missionary this week! At first he was afraid to be a missionary, but he learned to do it. With God's help, he became such a great missionary that his city became righteous enough to go to Heaven. We know that we each have our own mission to do, and we want to work hard to accomplish it!
HISTORY: We are thankful that our Founding Fathers accomplished their mission to write the Constitution so that we could have rules to follow that will keep America free. Our class constitution helps us at school. In Leadership, we learned to be anxiously engaged in good causes, and we put our mission statements on our leadership tree.
SCIENCE: We learned about the life cycle of an apple and tasted lots of different types of apples. It is interesting to learn that each apple is individual and special with its own unique purpose.
LITERATURE: We started reading Winnie the Pooh books!
GEOGRAPHY: We made a compass rose, learned about North, South, East and West and made a real compass that worked! We are thankful for the direction that our inner compass gives us. If we follow Jesus Christ we are sure to find our way!
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A leadership education teaches students how to think and prepares them to be leaders in their homes and communities, entrepreneurs in business, and Statesmen in government.
Liberty Youth Academy uses a model of personalized study of Classics, where we read, write and discuss. Our Mentors only accept quality work. By doing this, we set the example of good character and duty.
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