September 9, 2012
Liberty Youth Academy Week 3
Virtue of the week: POSITIVE ATTITUDE!
Article of Faith: #3
Scripture: As a man thinker in his heart so is he. ~Proverbs 23.7
Quote #1: "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." ~Ronald Dal-Author of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Quote #2: "Happiness something that you ARE, and it comes from the way you THINK." ~Wayne Dyer-Motivational Speaker
Quote #3: "Don't you give up, don't you quit. You keep walking, you keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead...It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." ~Jeffrey R. Holland-Apostle
All of the students worked on memorizing these quotes, some memorized all of the quotes, the scripture and the Article Of Faith ( Ask them to see if they remember). They earned prizes from the prizebox on Thurs. for doing so. We will have "pass off day" every Thurs. where they can pass off the quotes/script/AofF for that week.
During Devotional we learned that if you think you can do something, you can, and if you think that you can't, you probably can't! Attitude affects everything, every choice we make. We discussed people from the Book of Mormon and History who had good attitudes and the results in their lives from having this attitude. We also watched a video from Elder Holland telling us to never give up, to always keep trying and believe that good things will come our way!
RELIGION: We continued to read in the Book Of Mormon! The kids are loving it! We are working on memorizing "Hook Dates", which are important dates in Book Of Mormon history. The children are taking copies of the Hook Dates home to work on memorizing.
MATH: We began a new series called Life Of Fred this week. It is math in story form. Math concepts are taught in the way children learn best-THROUGH STORIES! Each of the students worked on their individual lessons and we played math facts games like Sum Swamp an Math Slam It on Thursday to help us with our Math facts. Next week we will add some stories from Mathematicians Are People Too.!
LANGUAGE ARTS: The children are working on their final drafts of their stories, and the illustrations. We will be sharing them with our friends next week! New Spelling words were begun this week and the test on these words will be next Thurs. Sept 13th.
LITERATURE: We are almost done with Ida B! In the book Ida B learned that having a bad attitude can make difficult situations even more difficult for yourself and for everyone around you. Perfect timing for our Virtue of the Week-Positive Attitude! She decided to take Courage and face her family's problems with a better attitude.
HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY: We continued with learning about the States and Capitals. We played Capitals Bingo and that seemed to help a lot. We will continue to work on these.
SCIENCE: The students are all supposed to be observing birds at their birdfeeders and drawing the birds that they see, then coming to school and looking them up in the Field Guides. They are also doing a Science report on either a type of bird or fish to be presented next Thurs.
CHOIR: We continued to work on our songs about our virtues, and worked on Christmas songs. We didn't get to learning about how to properly lead music and time signatures this week, but will do so next week for sure!
FUN-Damentals (Sister Hepworth's Class)
We learned about the Fall of Man. God has given us the gift of choice! We are so glad we can make our own choices and know that we will be blessed for the good choices we make. We learn from our choices, and when we make a mistake, we fix it. We learned a lot from the story of Adam and Eve.
We have learned the letter sounds and how to write a, c,d,f,g and o so far. I have included some information and helpful hints about the Riggs program in your child's folder to help you with the homework and for you to keep for reference throughout the year.
MATH: I have included some math cards to be saved and used at home for math activities.
In Choir we are learning some Christmas songs and Never Tell A Lie.
We learned about apples! When an apple falls off the tree, it gives food to others, and its seeds can grow into new apple trees. The apple fulfilled its mission and was a happy apple. We want to accomplish our own individual missions on earth like Adam, Eve, and Johnny Appleseed did.
We read the Frog Princess. We decided we want to be like her and keep our promises.
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A leadership education teaches students how to think and prepares them to be leaders in their homes and communities, entrepreneurs in business, and Statesmen in government.
Liberty Youth Academy uses a model of personalized study of Classics, where we read, write and discuss. Our Mentors only accept quality work. By doing this, we set the example of good character and duty.
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