August 27, 2012
First Week of School
FUN-Damentals (Sister Hepworth's Class)
We had a wonderful first week! We learned about the Plan of Salvation. We are children of God with enormous potential and promise! We are thankful for the help of our families and the words of the prophets that guide our way. We learned about John Wycliffe, the Morning Star of the Reformation. He translated some of the Bible from Latin to English. We want to be shining stars and feel love the for the scriptures like he did.
LITERATURE: We listened to some lullabies and stories that have been passed down through the years from parents to children. We are thankful for our parents who teach us and love us. If we follow the plan, we will be blessed, (unlike the Gingerbread Man who would not listen to good advice and got eaten by a sly fox).
MATH: Worksheets in the folder reinforce the concepts learned this week.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Have fun with the Riggs Letter-Stroke game. Let me know what you accomplish at home so the students can get treasure points.
DISMISSAL: To make dismissal easier each day, we would like the younger children in my class to be picked up at the end of each school day by 2:25 p.m. Please walk to the door to pick them up. THANK YOU!
Mrs. H 668-9392
LOVE OF LEARNING (Sister Dale's Class)
We spent much of this week getting to know each other better and also getting to know ourselves better! I'm really excited about this group of children. They are all very eager to learn and I am eager to introduce them to some very exciting events from American History and to share some profound truths found in the Book of Mormon as well as hopefully inspire them in all areas of education!
Virtue: Kindness
Article of Faith: #1
Scripture: Ephesians 4:32
Quote #1: "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." ~Mother Teresa
Quote #2: "I will speak ill of no man and speak all the good I know of everybody." ~Benjamin Franklin
Quote #3: "There are hearts to gladden, there are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given, there are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved." ~Thomas S. Monson
All of the students worked on memorizing these quotes, some memorized all of the quotes, the scripture and the Article Of Faith( Ask them to see if they remember). They earned prizes from the prizebox on Thurs. for doing so. We will have "pass off day" every Thurs. where they can pass off the quotes/script/AofF for that week.
We discussed the impact that kind words and actions have on each other and the wonderful example that President Monson is of beign kind to all he meets. They were encouraged to love and serve one another this week and will continue to be encouraged to do so all year! We also had an object lesson where they were given tubes of toothpaste, asked to squeeze out some, and then return it to the tube with a toothpick (almost impossible). We likened this to the difficulty in taking back unkind words or actions after they've been said or done. This greatly impacted them! (Pics on Facebook)
RELIGION: We discussed the Premortal Life, and Plan of Salvation. This was taught in conjunction with the truth that they are all brothers and sisters and this helped them to understand the importance of being kind to each other. We also started reading the Book Of Mormon and discussed the importance of listening to Prophets, and our parents and discussed whether we want to be like Nephi, or his brother's Lamen and Lemuel. They all decided they wanted to be like NEPHI! When discussing the Plan of Salvation we made posters with our baby pictures that say, "I will NEVER forget I am a son/daughter of God." We also wrote this in the front of our Book Of Mormons to remind us why we are here, who we really are, and what we were sent here to do.
MATH: I spent the week assessing the students to find where they are and where they all need to start in their individual math lessons.
LANGUAGE ARTS: The children wrote poems about themselves and did a great job! They were assessed to see which reading and spelling groups they belong in. Spelling/Vocab lists were given and tests on the words given this week will be next Thurs. Reading books were assigned and Penmanship was also practiced as we did some copy work with our quotes.
LITERATURE: I read some short stories to the children illustrating Kindness, and we began our first novel titled "Ida B." It is about a very spunky young girl who's mother gets cancer and her world is turned upside down. It has wonderful examples of the virtues we will be discussing this month, Kindness, Perseverance, Good Attitude, and more! The kids are LOVING it! Ask them about the Ida B's that they made!
HISTORY: We will begin next week with a quick overview of the prophecies of this great land of promise from the Book Of Mormon and then also review Christopher Columbus.
SCIENCE: We are beginning with Animals and the students learned about the first person who thought that all animals need to be "classified", and how scientists now classify animals, (kingdom, order, species, genus etc.) The students learned how to take notes in their Discovery Journals, and they learned about Amphibians! They were able to observe first hand the differences between Frogs and Toads and document in their Discovery Journals what they saw.
CHOIR: We learned two new songs related to our virtue of Kindness and believe it or not we've begun working on Christmas songs for the Christmas program!
ART: Posters we made for Devotional and Ida B
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A leadership education teaches students how to think and prepares them to be leaders in their homes and communities, entrepreneurs in business, and Statesmen in government.
Liberty Youth Academy uses a model of personalized study of Classics, where we read, write and discuss. Our Mentors only accept quality work. By doing this, we set the example of good character and duty.
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