January 15, 2011
This week in School! Jan. 10th
Theme: A New Year: A New Beginning!
Virtue of the Week: CREATIVITY
Article of Faith: 4TH: "We believe in the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: First faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, second repentance. Third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. Fourth, laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."
Scripture of the Week: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new." ~2nd Corinthians 5:17
Quote #1: The beginning is the most important part....For that is the time character is being formed." ~Plato (Greek Philosopher)
Quote#2: "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man." ~Benjamin Franklin
What a great first week back in our New Year! The children have really been working well, having fun getting to know the new students, and have embraced this week's theme and virtue! We have discussed that each new year gives us the opportunity to do a personal inventory and decide if we are "creating" through our thoughts and choices, the person that we want to become, and if so, ways to continue to improve and if not, to re-think and renew our resolve to change and become a different person. We discussed people who created greatness in their lives and who because of that, blessed the lives of many, many people. We talked about Mother Teresa, and are working on memorizing her famous quote titled, In The Final Analysis! We also talked about Corrie Ten Boom and how she, along with her sister Bessie, created an environment of faith and hope even in a concentration camp. We also talked about Martin Luther King and his "Dream!" We watched his "I Have A Dream" speech, talked about his influence for good in the world and that before we do anything, we have to think it and create it in our minds first like he did! We also were very fortunate to have Micah Young come in and speak to us about his choice to create a life of goodness and faith, even while serving our country in Iraq. He bore powerful testimony of the fact that when the Lord is with you, you need not fear, even if in the middle of a war zone! It's up to you to create what you will depending on your choices and your attitude! He had the children eating out of the palm of his hand! We decided that because it's not every day that we get to meet a real hero that we would share our "Heroes" poem by William Canton, that we memorized for the Spring Program last year. He was extremely impressed, and touched by YOUR children's presentation of this poem!
Virtue of the Week: CREATIVITY
Article of Faith: 4TH: "We believe in the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: First faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, second repentance. Third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. Fourth, laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."
Scripture of the Week: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new." ~2nd Corinthians 5:17
Quote #1: The beginning is the most important part....For that is the time character is being formed." ~Plato (Greek Philosopher)
Quote#2: "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man." ~Benjamin Franklin
What a great first week back in our New Year! The children have really been working well, having fun getting to know the new students, and have embraced this week's theme and virtue! We have discussed that each new year gives us the opportunity to do a personal inventory and decide if we are "creating" through our thoughts and choices, the person that we want to become, and if so, ways to continue to improve and if not, to re-think and renew our resolve to change and become a different person. We discussed people who created greatness in their lives and who because of that, blessed the lives of many, many people. We talked about Mother Teresa, and are working on memorizing her famous quote titled, In The Final Analysis! We also talked about Corrie Ten Boom and how she, along with her sister Bessie, created an environment of faith and hope even in a concentration camp. We also talked about Martin Luther King and his "Dream!" We watched his "I Have A Dream" speech, talked about his influence for good in the world and that before we do anything, we have to think it and create it in our minds first like he did! We also were very fortunate to have Micah Young come in and speak to us about his choice to create a life of goodness and faith, even while serving our country in Iraq. He bore powerful testimony of the fact that when the Lord is with you, you need not fear, even if in the middle of a war zone! It's up to you to create what you will depending on your choices and your attitude! He had the children eating out of the palm of his hand! We decided that because it's not every day that we get to meet a real hero that we would share our "Heroes" poem by William Canton, that we memorized for the Spring Program last year. He was extremely impressed, and touched by YOUR children's presentation of this poem!
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A leadership education teaches students how to think and prepares them to be leaders in their homes and communities, entrepreneurs in business, and Statesmen in government.
Liberty Youth Academy uses a model of personalized study of Classics, where we read, write and discuss. Our Mentors only accept quality work. By doing this, we set the example of good character and duty.
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