October 29, 2010
Literacy Week ROCKS!!!
Literacy week was absolutely wonderful! I am so grateful for all of our guest speakers who took time to come in and tell about their experiences! We had 3 authors, 2 illustrators, a librarian from the Washington library and a few parents who came in and read to the children, and even an armadillo who made a guest appearance and taught us to line dance! The children were completely engaged as each person came in and shared their literary experiences. It was a great week and enjoyed by all!
Monday-author of the book, 33 Habits of a Really Good Man (found in Seagull Books or through her personally at www.polarstarstudies.com) Yvonne Swinson came in and told of writing a book about her father! She told stories about how her father had touched her life, made her laugh, and inspired her to be a better person. She decided that she should share her father's unique perspective and favorite life's mantras through compiling a book with stories of her experiences with him and his favorite quotes. We were interested to find out the process of getting a book published, that's she's working on a few other books, and that after an author gets a book published, he/she is responsible for the marketing and sales of that book, not the publishing company! She read from her book and shared some letters from people who had sent her letters letting her know that her book had changed their lives, or inspired them to be a better father. She showed a letter to the children that President Monson wrote to her applauding her work! She also handed out 5 free copies to children who answered certain questions correctly.
We also greatly enjoyed having Mark Swan-Disney cartoonist and illustrator come in and share his experiences working on great animated films like, Space Jam, Land Before Time 1-4, An American Tale, All Dogs Go To Heaven, and most recently Curious George, to name a few. He's also illustrated several factual animal books, a coloring book for Zions. He taught the children the basic principles of drawing using basic shapes. The children LOVED learning from him and finding out that he trained a long time, going to school at BYU to be prepared to have this career.
Tuesday- we welcomed Daylene Ure, author of Today I Want To Be A Hedgehog and Renee Kimball, who illustrated this adorable children's book. They each told about their individual part in the publishing of this book. We learned about a few publishing rules, like all books are published in multiples of 4! It took many years, and a few mistakes but the end product was well worth the effort! They left a signed copy for our school, and they are offering a Liberty Youth Academy discount! If you go to Barnes And Noble, or Amazon.com you will find their book for $15.00, however, if you order through them directly, and tell them you are from Liberty Youth Academy they will sell it to you for only $8.00! Just email Daylene at daylened@msn.com if you're interested in getting your own copy.
As part of literacy week we worked on the elements of a story and were so inspired by the wonderful authors we'd heard from that we decided to work on writing some of our own short stories which we shared with our classmates. We also took turns reading our favorite children's books to each other and wow, the book worm grew and grew! Earning a pizza party for Thursday was NO PROBLEM AT ALL!
Thursday- Brother Wolverton, known to some of you as David Farland and author of the Ravenspell Books Series, Runelords Fantasy Series, (found in Deseret Books), and author of at least 12 other New York Times Best Sellers, and winner of numerous literary awards, came and talked to the children and signed copies of the children's books. He told us about how he became a famous author, his experiences with working with George Lucas on some Star Wars books, and video games. He also did a fun activity with the children where he led them through the writing of a story, and what the important elements are. He told me later that he was really impressed with the fact that they knew what was needed, and was impressed with their imaginations! He also gave the school the Ravenspell series, and some posters for the school (which won an award for the animation). It was soooo interesting! Our favorite part was when her read a section out of his Mice and Magic. He agreed to come next year, and I'm thinking we need to invite parents to that for sure!
We also had librarian Laurie from the Washington City library come in and read some fun Halloween limericks and Shel Silverstein poems (which they acted out) to the children. We then did a fun Halloween craft with her.
The children really enjoyed seeing each others costumes and guessing who they each were!
"There's a Wocket in My Pocket!"
For P.E. during Literacy Week, our amazing teacher, Sister Mitchell, had tons of fun DR. SEUSS RELATED P.E. ACTIVITIES!!!! It was so fun! We would do the games and read part of a Dr. Seuss book related to the book. SOOOOOO fun and creative-THANK YOU SISTER MITCHELL!
October 28, 2010
Staheli Farm Field Trip!
October 10, 2010
Rockin' it at the Radio Station!

October 7, 2010
Literacy Week
When school resumes on October 25th, it will be the beginning of LITERACY WEEK! This is my favorite week of the year! We are going to be having guest authors, illustrators, professional storytellers, and guest readers (hopefully that's YOU- grandma, grandpa, friends etc.) come in and tell and read their favorite children's stories to the children!
You will be receiving a phone call from a member of the PAC to schedule a time that would work for you! Also we will be having a book reading contest. The children will be given a circle to add to the "Book Worm" for every book that they read, or are read to. WE NEED THE BOOK WORM TO GET ALL THE WAY AROUND THE SCHOOL SO THAT WE CAN HAVE A PIZZA PARTY ON THURSDAY!
TUESDAY: D.E.A.R.-DROP EVERYTHING AND READ DAY! The children are invited to come in their MODEST pajamas, (no sleeveless shirts or shorts please) and can bring a pillow, or blanket, and their favorite children's story to share with their friends! (Please put their name on the book:)
WEDNESDAY: STAHELI FARMS FILED TRIP- Come with us as we learn about a working farm, and the farm animals, take a hay ride to the pumpkin patch and run through the corn maze! We will be needing drivers, but younger siblings would enjoy this field trip too! We will be leaving the school promptly at 9:25!
THURSDAY: The children are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Literary Character! No scary or bloody costumes please, or masks! This is NOT a Halloween dress up activity, rather a celebration of our favorite characters from our favorite books.
This Week In School
Scripture of the week: Moses 1:39-"For behold, this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
Article of Faith: #9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal, many great and important things, pertaining to the Kingdom of God!
Quote #2: "Thinking is the hardest work anyone can do, which is probably why there are so few thinkers. That which we seek in life requires effort, preparation, study, and perseverance, and the determination to choose the right when a choice is placed before us." Thomas S. Monson-Prophet
We learned about the value of good, hard work, and that anything worth having, or doing is worth working hard for and doing our best! We also learned that even Heavenly Father works, and His work is to help us return to him. The children really enjoyed reviewing the Conference talks, specifically the Apostles and First Presidencies talks. I was really surprised at how much they remembered and also at how many "liked" the story about the cow that died. That seemed to have a HUGE impact on many of them:) We then set some goals that we can "work" on for the next 6 months. The children will be reminded to look at these goals that they wrote in their journals on a regular basis and evaluate how they are doing! We learned a new song about all of the First Presidency and the12 Apostles. Ask your kids to sing it to you. Here's how it begins-
"Thomas S. Monson was the Prophet you know....Henry B. Eyring is the next below, Dieter F. Uchtdorf is third you see, and that makes up the first presidency!"
October 1, 2010
Reading Program
Our school began a reading program which was introduced to the children last week. They can help Scholastic donate a MILLION books for needy children IF they read 10 books each between now and December!!!!. The children are very excited about participating! Please help your children find time to read every day so that we can accomplish this goal and have them write down the books that they have read, INCLUDING THE AUTHOR, WHEN THEY STARTED, AND WHEN THEIR BOOK WAS FINISHED. WE HAVE TO KEEP TRACK OF THIS! A COPY OF THEIR READING LOG WENT HOME WITH THEM YESTERDAY!
This Week In School
This week we focused on the virtue of RESPONSIBILITY and talked to the children about some of their responsibilities that they have around the house, to their families, their country and to God. We talked primarily about the responsibility to listen to the prophets this weekend during Conference and about what a privilege it is to have living prophets to lead and guide us! We also took some time to get to know a little about the First Presidency and the Quorum of The Twelve. Ask your children who was a bomber pilot, who was a nuclear physicist, and who raises pigeons! We introduced the children to a song where they are learning their names. Next week we will continue to work on memorizing them in order of seniority and their names and review what they talked about in Conference and set some goals for ourselves for the next 6 months.
Virtue of the week: RESPONSIBILITY
Scripture of the week: 2nd Corinthians 5:10- For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
Article of Faith: We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly, we also believe the Book of Mormon, to be the word of God
Quote #2: "A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make." -Denis Waitley Motivational Speaker and Writer

A leadership education teaches students how to think and prepares them to be leaders in their homes and communities, entrepreneurs in business, and Statesmen in government.
Liberty Youth Academy uses a model of personalized study of Classics, where we read, write and discuss. Our Mentors only accept quality work. By doing this, we set the example of good character and duty.